The most significant contributions of the Master can be described in terms of different aspects:
Student feedback
- "I feel that every euro spent was a euro invested and that the quality and professionalism of the teaching staff is excellent".
- "The theory classes were very entertaining, the way they were given was very enjoyable and different from the others."
- "Very good organisation, taking into account how difficult it was to balance timetables and groups. "
- "Very good atmosphere with all the teachers."
- "The external talks were amazing, super interesting and enjoyable. Each and every one of the external talks were very well chosen."
- "Leveling course: excellent. Very good idea to do a general review of everything."
Academic interest
- This Master's degree is a recognised and accredited qualification that facilitates international labour mobility.
- The Master's Degree offers the possibility of access to PhD studies to students interested in a scientific and/or academic career.
- The Master's Degree has a teaching staff with recognised teaching and research experience in specific areas of Biomedicine that guarantee the quality of the teaching and training of the students. Each subject is taught by expert specialists with a high level of teaching and research activity in the area.
Scientific interest
- The Master's Degree is framed within a scientific area of great interest and dynamism. Around 15% of public spending on R&D is devoted to Biomedicine, being the scientific area with the highest percentage growth in recent years. The pharmaceutical industry related to biomedicine also leads R&D expenditure in the industrial sector, and these trends are also general in the EU. The training that students acquire in this Master's Degree is perfectly in line with the fundamental objective of Horizon 2020: research into the molecular, biochemical, cellular and genetic mechanisms of human diseases.
- The Master's degree provides formal training for a research career. The focus and dimension of basic biomedical research has shifted towards a globalised space of teamwork, in which standards, transparency and reproducibility are essential elements. These aspects require regulation of the quality of basic biomedical research covering training, laboratory practice, use of resources, handling of documentation and communication of results. All these aspects are explicitly addressed in this Master's degree.
- The Master's offers different specific areas of specialisation oriented towards different pathologies that correspond to the basic lines of research of the lecturers who teach it: cancer, immune and inflammatory diseases, neurological, metabolic, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
- Scientific quality of the teaching staff. Since its creation as the first joint centre between the University of Valladolid and CSIC, the IBGM has stood out for its research activity in the field of Biomedicine, as demonstrated by the impact of its scientific publications in this area.
- Resources allocated to research: The IBGM manages numerous projects funded by regional, national and international Agencies, both public and private, as well as multiple contracts with companies to carry out specific research projects, and the development of patents. Its latest Strategic Plan was very favourably evaluated by the international evaluators convened by the CSIC.
- The IBGM's technical background includes the whole range of modern biological technologies ranging from the use of DNA recombination techniques, gene expression studies and gene products, to mass spectrometry, microfluorescence, confocal microscopy and computerised image analysis in single cells, as well as ion channel recording techniques, patch-clamp, protein micropurification, HPLC, flow cytometry, tissue culture, etc.
Professional interest
- Biomedicine is a scientific area in continuous expansion and with a growing social impact. This Master's Degree aims to fill a key gap in the health and research systems (R+D+i) by training professionals who can work at the frontier between basic and clinical research and who are capable of promoting high quality translational research applied to improving health in hospitals, universities and biomedical research centres. Therefore, the Master's Degree aims to open up new professional perspectives.
- The Master represents an interesting proposal from which both future students, the University of Valladolid and society as a whole benefit: For the students, it offers the possibility of training in a research career that will prepare them for a future job. For the University, it is an instrument to attract doctoral students, which results in a tangible benefit (the attraction of national and European R&D&I funds) and an intangible benefit (the prestige and international visibility of the institution). Finally, society obtains highly qualified personnel in biomedical research, which will contribute to an improvement in the competitiveness of a sector of social and strategic importance for the country.
- The Master's Degree aims to train professionals who will be able to work in a wide range of sectors, including biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical companies, cell line banks, clinics with genetic diagnosis services, research laboratories, hospital services and university departments, both in Spain and abroad.
According to the criteria of the Master's external evaluation committee, the main strong points detected in the training project of the evaluated degree and its implementation are:
- The excellent integration of the Master in the international scientific environment.
- The qualification of the Master's teaching staff, as well as the fact of having prestigious researchers for the teaching of scientific seminars.
- The quality of the practical courses, which represent more than half of the Master's credits and which are taught in the researchers' own laboratories, with the equipment they use for their research.
- The high level of academic and research skills attained by graduates, as demonstrated by the quality of the Master's theses and their high employability with pre-doctoral contracts obtained in competitive calls in many cases.